Thursday, 31 March 2011

Know thyself.Health matters ...Letter to a friend:

What about your friend Gouty ?? Any symptoms ?

Me , after nearly two weeks of peeing bloody urine all stopped and it seems back to normal . Got used to the bullshit the Jap Government was feeding all of us I guess.
Not even when that bum footed French horny toad president said yesterday on TV : " French people can not but be impressed by the dignified and stoic attitude of the Japanese people facing such a calamity . France will do it's best to help by using it's nuclear disaster experience and help the Japanese people " . Long nosed midget then mumbled something about 1945 and fell cleansed of all the crap his country has been selling Japan for decades I remember when the ships hauling that radioactive goo left Cherbourg Harbor under cover of the night and shat that same goo here on the coast of the Sea of Japan under the protection of US Navy and Japanese Coastal guard watchful eyes while the Koan were harassing a small group of protesting people on shore and the fishing boats shouting " NoNuclear waste in Japan ".
L'Salouppard forgot that it was France that sent Japan Nuclear waste galore between the early 80's till 6 or 7 years ago .
And ,where were the Green Peace clowns when all this charade was going on ?
After nuclear puke , the frogs resorted to the watery Beaujolais Nouveau and the Cirque Du Soleil , the latest being originated from Quebec they were the first to pack and run when Japanese needed the most of entertainment to try to forget the impending doom . Those clowns are already planning to restart their adds competing with the AC gloomy brain washing rubbish . SCHMUCKS !!!

That toad is right about Japanese being stoic and dignified. Unlike the stoic and dignified way the Frogs all fucked off at a moment's notice . Why didn't they take their f$cking niggers with them too??
Watch out for those countries claiming to be freedom , justice and equality advocates. They are the ones now bombing Libya and did even worse in Iraq etc ...

One thing thought is that I feel sleepy often .
Checking things out it might be that I am over-injecting insulin quantities . I got the feeling that my pancreas might just be producing what it was supposed to after five years of dieting and insulin .

Doctors said that kidneys couldn't get better but mine are almost at normal intake . Then they told me my nervous system might take more than a decade before it got partially restored . I feel a lot more on my foot sole and more than that, I'm getting boners often . They told my my eyes were in deep shit , my vision has improved and it's steady after initial laser shots . Fucking foot care doctor said smirking and holding his stupid camera that he uses to collect pics of misery and despair to , I bet, jerk off ever now and then ," when they lose one leg , in three years they often lose the other foot due to lethargy ". Still got mine and intend to go to Hell with it, BUT not before I kick his teeth in with the size 13 boot thanks .
Told him not to take any more pics of my foot when I go for a check up, or I would shove the f#$king Nikon up his arse. He got the message . Old geezer can always find more victims to wank off on their misery .
Fucking doctors . Can't trust them . Can't stand their crap .Use them at first and throw them out .
Know thyself .

Boccanegra's passive PTSD rant.

Date: April 1, 2011 2:28:31 AM GMT+09:00              




しばし 夢心地の中 微睡(まどろみ)を味わう…


トイレに行き スッキリして テレビのスイッチを入れると聞こえて来るのは…
『福島県 第一原子力発電…』


何の変哲でもない 平凡で平和だった毎日の朝が 一瞬で 先の見えない現実に引き戻される…

おそらく 日本に住んでいる人 皆 そう感じているはず…

被災地以外の 国民は そう感じていながらも 歯を磨き 顔を洗い 整髪して 朝食を取り そして仕事場に向かう…

放射性物質が降り注ぐ中 『直ちに 健康に影響は無い…』と言う政府の『言葉』を信じ ひたすら職場を目指す…

皆 そうしている…


しかし 世界はどうだ?

日本から出る物 人 全て 放射能まみれの様に扱われて 日本以上に 買い占めが始まり 不安から デマが雪だるま式に大きくなり 世界滅亡の勢いだ…

でも 俺らは 不安を抱えつつも 平常どうりの 生活を送っているぞ!

4月からは 新年度…

決算も終わり お疲れ様の一杯なのか 都心の とある蕎麦屋では お客さん 次から次と来店…

心機一転 頑張ろうと 大盛況…

もう『放射能』と言うフレーズは 被災地の方々以外『もう 慣れた!』と言う感じ…

そう それで良いのかも知れない…


平和ボケしてしまっているから そうなのか?…

それとも 過去日本の歴史で被爆の経験が有るから冷静でいられるのか?…

まあ それは いずれ 分かる事…


Sunday, 27 March 2011

Boccanegra's at it again .

Date: 2011年3月26日23:32:33 JST
日本中の皆さん 頑張っていますか!?

私も世論最前線の『生の声』(生々しい声)を 世界中に発信すべく 頑張っております…

先日 西山審議官の隠蔽疑惑(ヅラ疑惑)のニュースを お伝えしましたが その件についての 一般市民の声は以下のとおりです…




確かに 西山審議官は今まで原子炉の現場に長く携わりすぎた所の為で、頭皮に被爆してしまった…!?

その真の姿で記者会見をして 『直ちに健康に支障は無い…〓』と力説しても 果たして 国民はすんなり納得出来るで有ろうか…!?
むしろ いずれ あの様な姿に 皆なってしまうのでは!?と思うのが自然である…

それでは 都合が悪い…

この剥き出しになった 頭皮を包み隠さなくてはならない…

私には 彼の『内なる声』が聞こえて来ます…

福島原発の剥き出しになった 炉芯棒を 厚いコンクリートの『ヅラ』で包み隠されるのも そう遠い日では無いでしょう…



福島原発事故と かけて 西山審議官の『ヅラ』と ときます…




Saturday, 26 March 2011

BOCANEGRA still has kept his humor intact .

True or not I leave it to your imagination. As for me , the way I've seen how f¥cked Japanese government has been and is , I will give it the benefit of the doubt ...
Boccanegra has written what a client of his said . The client goes by an elite police agency unpopular and well known for being a CIA , NSA and other scummy entities butt kissing goblins , based in the US of A the puppeteer and colonial lord of Japan ever since Admiral Perry forced his ship in this country .
The 51st unofficial State as many call Japan . No wonder America hasn't returned the money it hid in a New York bank as soon as Okinawa became Japanese in the 70's . Yet another open secret amongst many .
Thus , what Boccanegra's long time friend and client remarked in this short rant, to me, is very possible . Just think ; THAT guy stinks and should NEVER , EVER become a spokesman for TEPCO and whatever Government agency he claims to belong to . He reads his prepared reports , he never replies nor pretends to reply based on his so-called work experience .
The TANUKI Edano at least , because he is a shyster by profession , he plants butt kissing reporters to ask satge questions and he pretends to answer as well sometimes squinting at the individual or the cameras with his beady TANUKI eyes. His chin is getting so blobbed that very soon we won't be able to see his tie knot.
Edano the short fat baby faced TANUKI and even kara Kan the minister are dangerously lying enough . We don't need a spooky character like the one in the photos bellow to scare the sh¥t out of us the more.
Again , I won't translate what BOCCANEGRA is ranting about since he is the representative of the Japanese people in my blog .
During the two decades I've known him he has proven to be a straight forward individual with a lot of good sensitive and steady views about Japan and the World in general. A good man .
The fact that he agreed to send me his rants to post in my blog is a blessing and I am proud to have him as a friend.
Yep , I would give his rant the benefit of the doubt . A lot more reality in there than the bullshit DAIJOBU Edano , Kan and the " Experts " we see on television selling their Doomsday crap are saying . THAT GUY IS SPOOKY.
I also want to thank the greedy AC leeches for stopping shouting AC at the end of their equally crappy advertisements we have been getting every damn 7 minutes, 24 hours a day , 7 days a week on EVERY damn channel execpt for NHK .

WHO ARE THESE BUZZARDS ?? Where do they leech the money to pay Johnny's BUM BOYZ Smap Smap and that Kansai creep ?? It has been on the news that THEY are being paid" slightly" for showing their ugly faces and recite their half-assed GAMBATTE NIPPON crap. I will check around and pop BOCCANEGRA the question as well. His network might know .
Keep those rants coming BOCCANEGRA and GAMBATTE !!!
BTW; Between you and me (ここだけの話) WATCH YOUR ASS BOCCANEGRA. Shit does happen when the TRUTH is at stake...

" Date: 2011年3月25日20:18:43 JST
Subject: 最新情報入手

私の情報ネットワークから 最新情報を入手しました〓

これは 米軍もまだ入手しきれて無い情報なので 落ち着いて聞いてください〓
あれだけ 情報は公開すると断言した 原子力.安全保安委員が 新たなる隠蔽をしていた事が明らかになりました〓



以上 花園町.安全保安委員ダッチバウアーよりレポートでした〓


A couple of days later I texted BOCCANEGRA again with YET another simple question:
食べ物有りますか?? ( Do you have food ?? ) as in " do you need any food ? "
BOCCANEGRA replied :

"スーパーに山積みになってた水やカップ麺 乾電池など 何処にも見かけ無くなりました…

でも被災者の生活を想像すると まだ水道水や電気エアコンが有って ベットで過ごせるだけマシです…

同じ日本人として この逆境を共に感じ 乗り切って戦って行くしか有りません…

この機会に 普段絶対出来ないダイエットが出来るチャンスだと 前向きに考えておりますが その気持ちとは逆に 知人友人と 最後の晩餐を毎日の様にしてしまい お腹が苦しい〓日々になってしまい 不本意な状況で有ります…〓〓

ご心配して頂き 大変ありがとうございます〓

しかしながら こう言う状態が長引くのであれば 深刻な事態になって来ると思われます…

もしかしたら その折には救援をお願いしざるを得ないかもしれませんが そうなるまで アウトドア感覚で この逆境をむしろ楽しんで見ようと ポジティブシンキングで行こうと思ってます…〓

都心の街の状況 随時報告致します…〓

Friday, 25 March 2011

BOCCANEGRA'S rants series. Part 1

March 13th I texted a very small question to BOCCANEGRA'S cell phone:
" 元気ですか??? Are you alright? "
Meaning just that .

BOCCANEGRA a soften spoken person that often never loses his temper wrote back next day :
Date: 2011年3月14日0:10:04 JST
Subject: なんとか 元気です
うちのお客さん まったく危機感無い人ばかりで あれだけ揺れてるのに 椅子から 立ち上がらない人とか これから余震とか来るかもしれないのにヘアカラーやってくれとか 死なないと分からない人ばかりで テレビが 面白く無いのか昨日 今日と いつもより忙しく『こいつら 死に化粧しに来たのか!?』と思いながら 仕事してました〓

みんなチェルノブイリの事 忘れてるのか 知らないのか テレビから 片時も目が放せない 緊迫してる時なのに呑気なもんですよ〓
明日から停電が始まるので コンビニもスーパーも食べ物は 全く無いです〓

その ペパーミントグリーンの物体は 悪魔の幼虫ですか!?

大人になったら 綺麗なガになりそうですけど…でも毒持ってそうな角が キモいです〓

Boccanegra , Boccasavia , Boccadeoro a Trinity of Wisdom !!!

Got an old friend that lives and works right in the center of Tokyo in a semi sleazy slum like area . His clients , like me, are mostly eccentrics and hard core maniacs on all sorts of subjects and living standards. .
I begged him to let me post his rants in my blog and he agreed only after I vowed not to divulge his name. Like me he likes Opera . I named him : BOCCANEGRA (black or evil mouth ) like the famous Verdi opera Simon Boccanegra. His comments are full of sarcasm and black humor . But reading between the lines , those very same bizarre comments are the core of the Japanese dormant anger .
Thus Boccanegra will send me his comments , I hope very often and I will gladly copy / paste and post them as they are . I won't even try to translate them ( well, I might now and then ) since the essence is all there as long as they are in Japanese . It is a sort of Kachidoki (勝鬨) or war cry most of the Japanese these days can't afford to shout.
I sincerely hope that BOCCANEGRA will send as many comments as possible .
As time goes by , BOCCANEGRA (black mouth) will become BOCCASAVIA ( sensible mouth ) AND in total BOCCADEORO ( gold mouth ) since all of his rants are precious and hopefully give the rest of the lethargic Japanese people a motivation to rise from slumber, give the governmental TANUKI Cartel a jolt and drive those fat , sleazy TANUKI away from power...
I sincerely hope that BOCCANEGRA can help clear the already contaminated air from radioactive dust and from more than 4 decades of lying and thieving saturation by the TANUKI .