BUT only a tinny bunch of these maggots were indicted.
THEIR lawyers of course, will appeal. Money is no problem for them since the Catholic Church , Military , Politicos and the high Echelon clientele doesn't want their names divulged .
In my 'democratic' country the LAW is very clear:

And some of these 'victims' were over 14 and somehow got paid for their blow jobs and butt f$%&king... Not to mention their relatives no mater how distant they might have been . In Japan the whole farce is called ENJOKOSAI . Before, the slutty TWATS walked up and down Center Street , Shibuya and gave blow jobs etc to horny elder Satyrs in Karaoke joints , now it's all much organized and the websites reek with these TWATS wares . Some even aren't the high school GARU they pretend but most probably their mothers in their daughters uniform .
What had happened in the Catholic controlled Casa Pia and my own school Saint Joseph paedo Jesuit priests in the 60's ?!
I believed in the power of the stiletto and could throw it many meters onto a tree. The short axe I had too . I used the stiletto to slice fruit, bread, salami etc with ease and often did it during recreation time in that school, always smirking at the known paedos passing by or sitting in the dinning hall. The short ax I cracked nuts with the numb side , usually on the stone stairs nearest to chamber where the priests rested . The sound of the nuts cracking could drive some of them nuts . But not a word was said. They knew I knew and that kept them at bay.
Although I was often punished for misbehaviour in public, none of those weirdos EVER tried to touch me when I was in the dormitory pretending to be asleep or in the showers.
Incredible what a good knife and axe thrower can do to cure paedos or keep them at bay.
I wore the axe in the open when yet another kid in TURMA B ( group B ) - the trouble maker group - disappeared ( was transferred? ) for ever or was hospitalized for 'falling ' off the stairs. Or maybe he accidentally hurt himself during classes such as wood carving or electrical training where I was a member or even the printing ( I was there too ) ...
There are a few 'I should have dones' left in my life and as I am a strong believer of fire as a cleanser, I will ALWAYS regret I didn't shut them paedos in the Sacristy behind the church chain lock the doors and burn them all to a f$%king crisp . IF I have had done that I would have got away with the Cuckoo card ( mentally insane I.D. similar to the one the Japanese cannibal that ate the Dutch plump student " For love " in Paris 30 odd years ago carries ) after being locked up for a few years in the infamous JULIO DE MATOS Institute for the insane which was another tool of the PIDE and Catholic Church to inspire terror into the hearts of the unbelievers ...
BUT that will be another story wanna bet ?

I just hadn't the guts I guess and am paying the price now; PTSD might be called as well.
I ended up in that institute once every 6 months a year for an Electroencephalography and a shadow and LEGO like toys I.Q. crappy routine test that always ended up with the conclusion that I wasn't normal in the knocker and was prescribed Valium and other s$%t that of course I never took. I could have told them that I wasn't right in the knocker and that was the only armor I had to survive . Crazy like a fox in a manner of speech I guess .

Those days I was a regular in that place. They made me enter the small door in the picture above and walked me for more than 40 minutes through a maze of corridors and up and down stairs of insanity.
I suspect Father Alvaro , the sadist priest in collaboration with my cowardly old man Manuel planned it all to terrify me into submission . Wishful thinking .
It did scare me at first but every corner and window gave me hints of my whereabouts and so did certain screams coming from the criminally and hopeless insane floor. The guardian ever so slowly took me as close as possible to the barred gates. I learned to nickname everything and everybody in that place so as not to take them seriously. Every scream and insane smile that I saw through the bars weren't that scary anymore after half a dozen visits . Although the Carmelita nun lugging behind us did the sign of the cross every time somebody screamed . Dumb old c$%t .
Reminds me of the bell clanking Lepra Pilgrims long line marching towards Fatima from Lourdes , France every May . They sent scouts in advance to warn the Mayor of their imminent march thru the town and to get permission to pitch a long tent to rest by the river, get food and drink from our village since we are in the main crossroads from Salamanca, Spain as it has been done for ages. My dear father and other fathers too used to terrify us by saying that since we haven't been good boys last year they would give us to the Leprosos as a punishment and that the Leprosos would eat us raw blah , blah ... Bogeyman at it's best.
Sure it sounded terrifying the Leprosos did look terrifying and many kids begged not to be thrown at the Leprosos mercy promising to be good. I got fed up one day at that crap, grabbed my old army triangular back pack, filled it up it with clothing, filched as much money as I could find in the house and waited by the Pelorinho square ( a square used for whipping or torturing the unbelievers and adulterers in public ) sat by the stone pole and waited for the Leprosos to come by to take me away.
Manuel run up to me asked what was I doing? I just told him I'd rather go with the Leprosos than be in the same house as him. Goodbye old man. Many of the villagers for years after that told of my public bout in front of the 47th descendent of the Ferreira Clan and leader and how for the next three or four years I continued to do just that: Waited patiently by the square ready to go with the Leprosos RATHER than being with my family. Tavernas were full of sneers and laughter and some fed me watered ginjinha, a cherry alcoholic beverage as a reward for teaching the old despotic Ferreira a lesson. Good old days ...
Nicknaming people and things or actions really kept me in mental shape throughout the years and even now I practice that art.
Back to the Cuckoo's nest. AFTER three or four hours of waiting the main nut professor came in and he and his assistants would go through the same routine. They always bitched about my hair being too long , glue the f%^king Encephalographic bits to my skull . The priests or my father had put me under the knife, the day before . All part of the routine as I mentioned.
"SHUT your eyes. OPEN your eyes!" This crap made always fall asleep because I was tired from the 'Walk' with no food, no drink and no peeing pattern. THE Nutty Professor stank of cheap leaf tobacco that he chain smoked and the other two minions were dumb silent Igor like characters although they weren't hunchbacked. A whole day in that place to end up being declared incurably crazy. Back to St. Joseph and be greeted with sneers and comments such as"O maluco ta de Volta" (the fruitcake is back).
It's a long story and as The Fall approaches, so do my memories of times gone by.
THESE paedos aren't the ones that should be on trial . Nor are most of the 'victims' . The REAL victims per se are the ones like I that were helpless and cowardly stood by while s%$t was happening right in front of our eyes . The Lord, if He ever existed, was on a vacation when we needed Him the most. The Devil was always ever present giving us all His sales pitch;
" ...et dixit illi haec tibi omnia dabo si cadenas adoraveris me " - " And saith onto him , All these things will I give thee , if thou will fall down and worship me " ( Mathew 4:9 )
" ... et ait ei tibi dabo potestatem hanc universam et gloriam illorum quia mihi tradita sunt et cui volo do illa " - " All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will give it " ( Luke 4:6 )
Busy bugger the Devil was and still is.
The main VICTIM here IS and always will be the TRUTH ! And as usual, as before, in our days, Human race JUST CAN'T TAKE the F$%KING NAKED TRUTH. Thus nobody questions the indictments EXCEPT the paedos lawyers (money talks) nor seeks the REAL TRUTH. Too afraid that they too might be smeared by flying s$%t.
The whole rigmarole has been going on for centuries and it is only in 2010 that a tiny fraction of the crawling maggots were disclosed to, I suspect, cover the REAL MAGGOTS from prying curious eyes no mater how few those eyes are.
The Portuguese Foreign Office ( diplomat ) paedo mentioned in the article a UNESCO ambassador WAS here in Tokyo for a short period DURING the investigation by the JUDITE or Judicial police, hoping that being here it would make the public forget it all and of course, like Alan N. Lamph (70yrs old) the eikaiwa paedo in Fukuoka, never heard of for months after being detained . Guess the Moonies bailed him out, the "diplomat " in question went around under the Diplomatic Corps protection having the time of his miserable life . Japan IS a paedo haven , just as much as it is a scamster's as long as the scumbags aren't poor and seem clean cut. Japanese language appears to have about four thousand words originated from Portuguese lingo. Wouldn't surprised if the J law here used the very same motto: "YOU'RE INNOCENT TILL PROVED PENNILESS" ( anybody knows how to say that in Latin ? ) . So the portuguese "diplomat " went around molesting boys like Johnies Tarento is famous for, to keep is Caralho (dick in portugee ) and habits in shipshape since he knows he ain't gonna be nobodies bitch in the slammer back home. Money talks REAL loud . Practice makes perfect , and our old geezer kept on practicing under the blessings of king Rabbit our Ambassador .
My Embassy is a Babel Tower of thieves and corrupt elite scum and since a portugee was NEVER arrested here in Japan, there is no prototype Iranian like publicity to cause lazy butt kissing Jap cops to investigate that f$%king thieves den. I can't even go and renew my passport because they refused to build a ramp or do something for an handicapped Luso-Iberian to enter the building. I paid them back by refusing to give them my home address or accept delayed copied letters from the Foreign Office to remind us minions that LUSITANIA is our beloved Fatherland. Zieg Heil et all ...
Do remember the portuguese JUSTICE motto just in case you get screwed in the Algarve and in cahoots with the LAW :
Bring plenty of that just in case ...