Thursday, 31 March 2011

Know thyself.Health matters ...Letter to a friend:

What about your friend Gouty ?? Any symptoms ?

Me , after nearly two weeks of peeing bloody urine all stopped and it seems back to normal . Got used to the bullshit the Jap Government was feeding all of us I guess.
Not even when that bum footed French horny toad president said yesterday on TV : " French people can not but be impressed by the dignified and stoic attitude of the Japanese people facing such a calamity . France will do it's best to help by using it's nuclear disaster experience and help the Japanese people " . Long nosed midget then mumbled something about 1945 and fell cleansed of all the crap his country has been selling Japan for decades I remember when the ships hauling that radioactive goo left Cherbourg Harbor under cover of the night and shat that same goo here on the coast of the Sea of Japan under the protection of US Navy and Japanese Coastal guard watchful eyes while the Koan were harassing a small group of protesting people on shore and the fishing boats shouting " NoNuclear waste in Japan ".
L'Salouppard forgot that it was France that sent Japan Nuclear waste galore between the early 80's till 6 or 7 years ago .
And ,where were the Green Peace clowns when all this charade was going on ?
After nuclear puke , the frogs resorted to the watery Beaujolais Nouveau and the Cirque Du Soleil , the latest being originated from Quebec they were the first to pack and run when Japanese needed the most of entertainment to try to forget the impending doom . Those clowns are already planning to restart their adds competing with the AC gloomy brain washing rubbish . SCHMUCKS !!!

That toad is right about Japanese being stoic and dignified. Unlike the stoic and dignified way the Frogs all fucked off at a moment's notice . Why didn't they take their f$cking niggers with them too??
Watch out for those countries claiming to be freedom , justice and equality advocates. They are the ones now bombing Libya and did even worse in Iraq etc ...

One thing thought is that I feel sleepy often .
Checking things out it might be that I am over-injecting insulin quantities . I got the feeling that my pancreas might just be producing what it was supposed to after five years of dieting and insulin .

Doctors said that kidneys couldn't get better but mine are almost at normal intake . Then they told me my nervous system might take more than a decade before it got partially restored . I feel a lot more on my foot sole and more than that, I'm getting boners often . They told my my eyes were in deep shit , my vision has improved and it's steady after initial laser shots . Fucking foot care doctor said smirking and holding his stupid camera that he uses to collect pics of misery and despair to , I bet, jerk off ever now and then ," when they lose one leg , in three years they often lose the other foot due to lethargy ". Still got mine and intend to go to Hell with it, BUT not before I kick his teeth in with the size 13 boot thanks .
Told him not to take any more pics of my foot when I go for a check up, or I would shove the f#$king Nikon up his arse. He got the message . Old geezer can always find more victims to wank off on their misery .
Fucking doctors . Can't trust them . Can't stand their crap .Use them at first and throw them out .
Know thyself .

Boccanegra's passive PTSD rant.

Date: April 1, 2011 2:28:31 AM GMT+09:00              




しばし 夢心地の中 微睡(まどろみ)を味わう…


トイレに行き スッキリして テレビのスイッチを入れると聞こえて来るのは…
『福島県 第一原子力発電…』


何の変哲でもない 平凡で平和だった毎日の朝が 一瞬で 先の見えない現実に引き戻される…

おそらく 日本に住んでいる人 皆 そう感じているはず…

被災地以外の 国民は そう感じていながらも 歯を磨き 顔を洗い 整髪して 朝食を取り そして仕事場に向かう…

放射性物質が降り注ぐ中 『直ちに 健康に影響は無い…』と言う政府の『言葉』を信じ ひたすら職場を目指す…

皆 そうしている…


しかし 世界はどうだ?

日本から出る物 人 全て 放射能まみれの様に扱われて 日本以上に 買い占めが始まり 不安から デマが雪だるま式に大きくなり 世界滅亡の勢いだ…

でも 俺らは 不安を抱えつつも 平常どうりの 生活を送っているぞ!

4月からは 新年度…

決算も終わり お疲れ様の一杯なのか 都心の とある蕎麦屋では お客さん 次から次と来店…

心機一転 頑張ろうと 大盛況…

もう『放射能』と言うフレーズは 被災地の方々以外『もう 慣れた!』と言う感じ…

そう それで良いのかも知れない…


平和ボケしてしまっているから そうなのか?…

それとも 過去日本の歴史で被爆の経験が有るから冷静でいられるのか?…

まあ それは いずれ 分かる事…


Sunday, 27 March 2011

Boccanegra's at it again .

Date: 2011年3月26日23:32:33 JST
日本中の皆さん 頑張っていますか!?

私も世論最前線の『生の声』(生々しい声)を 世界中に発信すべく 頑張っております…

先日 西山審議官の隠蔽疑惑(ヅラ疑惑)のニュースを お伝えしましたが その件についての 一般市民の声は以下のとおりです…




確かに 西山審議官は今まで原子炉の現場に長く携わりすぎた所の為で、頭皮に被爆してしまった…!?

その真の姿で記者会見をして 『直ちに健康に支障は無い…〓』と力説しても 果たして 国民はすんなり納得出来るで有ろうか…!?
むしろ いずれ あの様な姿に 皆なってしまうのでは!?と思うのが自然である…

それでは 都合が悪い…

この剥き出しになった 頭皮を包み隠さなくてはならない…

私には 彼の『内なる声』が聞こえて来ます…

福島原発の剥き出しになった 炉芯棒を 厚いコンクリートの『ヅラ』で包み隠されるのも そう遠い日では無いでしょう…



福島原発事故と かけて 西山審議官の『ヅラ』と ときます…




Saturday, 26 March 2011

BOCANEGRA still has kept his humor intact .

True or not I leave it to your imagination. As for me , the way I've seen how f¥cked Japanese government has been and is , I will give it the benefit of the doubt ...
Boccanegra has written what a client of his said . The client goes by an elite police agency unpopular and well known for being a CIA , NSA and other scummy entities butt kissing goblins , based in the US of A the puppeteer and colonial lord of Japan ever since Admiral Perry forced his ship in this country .
The 51st unofficial State as many call Japan . No wonder America hasn't returned the money it hid in a New York bank as soon as Okinawa became Japanese in the 70's . Yet another open secret amongst many .
Thus , what Boccanegra's long time friend and client remarked in this short rant, to me, is very possible . Just think ; THAT guy stinks and should NEVER , EVER become a spokesman for TEPCO and whatever Government agency he claims to belong to . He reads his prepared reports , he never replies nor pretends to reply based on his so-called work experience .
The TANUKI Edano at least , because he is a shyster by profession , he plants butt kissing reporters to ask satge questions and he pretends to answer as well sometimes squinting at the individual or the cameras with his beady TANUKI eyes. His chin is getting so blobbed that very soon we won't be able to see his tie knot.
Edano the short fat baby faced TANUKI and even kara Kan the minister are dangerously lying enough . We don't need a spooky character like the one in the photos bellow to scare the sh¥t out of us the more.
Again , I won't translate what BOCCANEGRA is ranting about since he is the representative of the Japanese people in my blog .
During the two decades I've known him he has proven to be a straight forward individual with a lot of good sensitive and steady views about Japan and the World in general. A good man .
The fact that he agreed to send me his rants to post in my blog is a blessing and I am proud to have him as a friend.
Yep , I would give his rant the benefit of the doubt . A lot more reality in there than the bullshit DAIJOBU Edano , Kan and the " Experts " we see on television selling their Doomsday crap are saying . THAT GUY IS SPOOKY.
I also want to thank the greedy AC leeches for stopping shouting AC at the end of their equally crappy advertisements we have been getting every damn 7 minutes, 24 hours a day , 7 days a week on EVERY damn channel execpt for NHK .

WHO ARE THESE BUZZARDS ?? Where do they leech the money to pay Johnny's BUM BOYZ Smap Smap and that Kansai creep ?? It has been on the news that THEY are being paid" slightly" for showing their ugly faces and recite their half-assed GAMBATTE NIPPON crap. I will check around and pop BOCCANEGRA the question as well. His network might know .
Keep those rants coming BOCCANEGRA and GAMBATTE !!!
BTW; Between you and me (ここだけの話) WATCH YOUR ASS BOCCANEGRA. Shit does happen when the TRUTH is at stake...

" Date: 2011年3月25日20:18:43 JST
Subject: 最新情報入手

私の情報ネットワークから 最新情報を入手しました〓

これは 米軍もまだ入手しきれて無い情報なので 落ち着いて聞いてください〓
あれだけ 情報は公開すると断言した 原子力.安全保安委員が 新たなる隠蔽をしていた事が明らかになりました〓



以上 花園町.安全保安委員ダッチバウアーよりレポートでした〓


A couple of days later I texted BOCCANEGRA again with YET another simple question:
食べ物有りますか?? ( Do you have food ?? ) as in " do you need any food ? "
BOCCANEGRA replied :

"スーパーに山積みになってた水やカップ麺 乾電池など 何処にも見かけ無くなりました…

でも被災者の生活を想像すると まだ水道水や電気エアコンが有って ベットで過ごせるだけマシです…

同じ日本人として この逆境を共に感じ 乗り切って戦って行くしか有りません…

この機会に 普段絶対出来ないダイエットが出来るチャンスだと 前向きに考えておりますが その気持ちとは逆に 知人友人と 最後の晩餐を毎日の様にしてしまい お腹が苦しい〓日々になってしまい 不本意な状況で有ります…〓〓

ご心配して頂き 大変ありがとうございます〓

しかしながら こう言う状態が長引くのであれば 深刻な事態になって来ると思われます…

もしかしたら その折には救援をお願いしざるを得ないかもしれませんが そうなるまで アウトドア感覚で この逆境をむしろ楽しんで見ようと ポジティブシンキングで行こうと思ってます…〓

都心の街の状況 随時報告致します…〓

Friday, 25 March 2011

BOCCANEGRA'S rants series. Part 1

March 13th I texted a very small question to BOCCANEGRA'S cell phone:
" 元気ですか??? Are you alright? "
Meaning just that .

BOCCANEGRA a soften spoken person that often never loses his temper wrote back next day :
Date: 2011年3月14日0:10:04 JST
Subject: なんとか 元気です
うちのお客さん まったく危機感無い人ばかりで あれだけ揺れてるのに 椅子から 立ち上がらない人とか これから余震とか来るかもしれないのにヘアカラーやってくれとか 死なないと分からない人ばかりで テレビが 面白く無いのか昨日 今日と いつもより忙しく『こいつら 死に化粧しに来たのか!?』と思いながら 仕事してました〓

みんなチェルノブイリの事 忘れてるのか 知らないのか テレビから 片時も目が放せない 緊迫してる時なのに呑気なもんですよ〓
明日から停電が始まるので コンビニもスーパーも食べ物は 全く無いです〓

その ペパーミントグリーンの物体は 悪魔の幼虫ですか!?

大人になったら 綺麗なガになりそうですけど…でも毒持ってそうな角が キモいです〓

Boccanegra , Boccasavia , Boccadeoro a Trinity of Wisdom !!!

Got an old friend that lives and works right in the center of Tokyo in a semi sleazy slum like area . His clients , like me, are mostly eccentrics and hard core maniacs on all sorts of subjects and living standards. .
I begged him to let me post his rants in my blog and he agreed only after I vowed not to divulge his name. Like me he likes Opera . I named him : BOCCANEGRA (black or evil mouth ) like the famous Verdi opera Simon Boccanegra. His comments are full of sarcasm and black humor . But reading between the lines , those very same bizarre comments are the core of the Japanese dormant anger .
Thus Boccanegra will send me his comments , I hope very often and I will gladly copy / paste and post them as they are . I won't even try to translate them ( well, I might now and then ) since the essence is all there as long as they are in Japanese . It is a sort of Kachidoki (勝鬨) or war cry most of the Japanese these days can't afford to shout.
I sincerely hope that BOCCANEGRA will send as many comments as possible .
As time goes by , BOCCANEGRA (black mouth) will become BOCCASAVIA ( sensible mouth ) AND in total BOCCADEORO ( gold mouth ) since all of his rants are precious and hopefully give the rest of the lethargic Japanese people a motivation to rise from slumber, give the governmental TANUKI Cartel a jolt and drive those fat , sleazy TANUKI away from power...
I sincerely hope that BOCCANEGRA can help clear the already contaminated air from radioactive dust and from more than 4 decades of lying and thieving saturation by the TANUKI .

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Portuguese embassy in Tokyo and new ambassador's apathy.

A week or so ago I run across a portuguese TV channel link and scrolling on the news about theTohoku earthquake there was a part where the new ambassador to Tokyo was talking .
Curious I clicked on that link and there it was a low key sneaky voice of our " dear " new so-called ambassador Jose Freitas de Ferraz.
Crap about how the embassy staff called and contacted every portuguese citizen living in the Tohoku , Kanto area were alive and kicking and how the Japanese authorities also assured the old man that no Portuguese were hurt or missing blah , blah ....
Well, guess what , THIS portuguese citizen WASN'T contacted by the old geezer Freitinhas de Ferralho, Huhioka the infamous old Japanese twat that can't speak portuguese with a proper accent even though she has been taking it in the mouth for decades. Not even the toilet licking cleaning woman NOTHING / NADA . No phone call nor email . NOT A F$¥KING whisper.
Adding the fact that I, an above knee amputee, can not enter the embassy building in Kojimachi since there is no ramp to allow my wheelchair to enter the place, those Portuguese diplomatic leeches , because they are in the other end of the World , have
green card to f$¥ck around pretending they are busy and going their racketeering with Diplomatic impunity for ever since I have known. And it isn't only the Embassy , but the Kobe underlings too .
When I cool down , I will write all what I know about these racketeering fat cats and might even enjoy disclosing the ICEP or Portuguese like CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEELING AND DEALING in tow .

Right now I gotta keep my cripple arse out of radioactive rain, winds and dust and watch out for contaminated necessities like milk , veggies or even water and ignore the Japanese Government lies told by a pudgy TANUKI or coon dog and a lawyer at that, called Enano or an ugly dude with bad skin ( Tokai Mura native perhaps ? ) and his equally oily dirty helmet like hair piece pretending he knows all about radioactive disasters. Not to forget the sc¥mbag-in-chief KAN or " kara Kan " prime minister. All lying and contradicting themselves too often daily. F¥ck them.

From my ambassador to Japanese governmental jackals lies the simple truth is that I, you and everybody else in Kanto to say the least , are FUCKED !!!

Scroll down past the old geezer's official ' GOOD OL' BOY portrait and checkout the message I just sent him and his rat pack . It's in Portuguese , sorry . m(_ _)m

Nada do velho Freitas nem da Embaixada de Tóquio .

No dia 17 de Março recebi esta mensagem automática, depois de protestar Q embora eu estou doente e tive a minha perna direita amputada , a Embaixada não me chamou mesmo Q seja para me perguntar se estou bem ou não. Esses gajos sempre foram manhosos e o prédio aonde se encontra essa toca não se pode entrar com uma cadeira de rodas ... Bem malandros esses gajos e sonsos . Essa frase do " departamento adequado " tár a processar a minha mensagem etcetera e tal é bem hipócrita deles. O velho Freitas e a malta dele ou deram o pira pra Macau ou tão viajar por aí... A ver se o " DEPARTAMENTO ADEQUADO " pára de comer macacos e me respondeu ANTES Q eu decida de visitar Kojimachi com o alto falante Q eu tenho e outros amputados como eu . "A sua mensagem foi enviada com sucesso e será processada pelo o departamento adequado. Assim que possível, terá a resposta na sua caixa de correio."

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Tokyo Itabashi-ward privacy breach and abuse.

Last month, February, Saturday 19th, I got the message ( document #1 )bellow from the Disaster Prevention (防災課) BoSSaika section in Itabashi-Ward in my post box .
Indignation and rage immediately resulted in counter-reacting by fax as document #2 shows.

In a nut shell, Disaster Prevention BoSSaika Section somewhere in that semi ruined ward office .( never seen nor met those rats in my life ), gingerly informed me that MY private data kept by the Welfare and Health (福祉課) department had been disclosed without MY permission NOR advance warning of such intention. BoSSaika wrote and hinted two things that made me see red ; One: was that they were acting on the orders of Tokyo Metropolitan Government ( fuck-face scumbag Ishihara's goons typical move ). Two: was that if I didn't agree nor liked to have my PRIVATE DATA used like the Metro government wished and had a complain, to do it by FeBRUARY 28, two weeks from the day the letter was written. Notice that , as is it their usual style , BoSSaika's blackmail (脅し) message , has no day written in it ... Back to the disgraceful Death Note , That they BoSSaika, would REMOVE me from their list and therefore ( this between lines ) if the shit hit the fan , I wouldn't be helped by Tokyo's fire brigade rescue boyz since I didn't agree with the Welfare and Health department's BREACH of MY privacy as it was agreed when I got my handicapped /disabled card .

I , have been going to Itabashi ward office many times for these past 5 years to ask them what exactly were the measures towards helping the elderly , handicapped and disabled when the BIG one BoSSaika has been often stressing all of us during their fancy money wasting bullshit MASQUERADE " Disaster Prevention Day ( 防災の日)" where all those fancy trucks and big boyz went around parading en masse around the main Tokyo areas of Nagata-cho, the Imperial Palace, Tokyo Harbor , that shit hole Odaiba and rat infested Shinjuku where the
ugly Metropolitan Building is situated .
Why not DAMN show up in the ward I've lived for 15 years nor any other downtown areas ?
Why our money leeching CHONAIKAICHO ( neighborhood association fat cat ) never ever bothered to come by not even once although my place is right in front of his greedy snout? WHY the fancy 50 odd pages expensive paper , not even recycled paper , manual that his minions distributed around everybody in the area except for the building I am living although we were FORCED ( apart from me since I decided to boycott their extortive tactics a couple of years ago ) pay money to fill up his and his bum boyz and wives deep pockets ? He and his rat pack often goes on trips to Onsen ( Spas ) and waste the money filched from people and from equally leeching gimmicks like the Road Safety Prevention Tents used mostly by those jackals twice a year and their friends to drink beer and gossip WHEN they ever bother to show up on weekends . Not to forget their short bouts in Winter time when they go in small groups of 5 or 6 ass holes clacking sticks and shouting HINO YOUJIN (火の用心) " beware of fires " every hour for three rounds since every round they hide in a nearby company garage that belongs to a fat cat , to drink Japanese Sake , gobble food and smoke merrily away , courtesy of the ward's tax payers. By the time they pass by my window red faced and sort of jay walking with goofy smirks for the third time , I know those great vigilantes aren't coming back till next evening, IF the weather isn't too cold or the SAKE runs out..(最低, SAITEI, a disgrace). Most of Tokyo wards, apart from Setagaya/ Meguro and Shinagawa wards where most of the rich scum, their whore and concubines par excellence are living, will never see a shadow of the BOSAI-NO-HI Gozzila fighting squads. Just not worth the bother .
Even a gaijin like me learned that EVERY time the cops ,governmental puppeteers or any fat TANUKI says or uses the wordS " TRUST & PREVENTION " simply means they are planning to extort money , sweat , blood and tears from the ever silent majority of the Japanese public, since there simply is NO FUCKING prevention nor preventive measures per se BUT only after the fact slow reaction . THUS every year we are plugged with Influenza , NORO VIRUSES , ORE ORE SCAMS , You name it and we get it all type of crap and PAY an arm and a leg and more than too often with human lives too .
Just look at what's going on right now : We are being lightly or heavily contaminated with Radioactive contaminated winds , rain and food . You do the math .

When I popped the same question EVERY time I went to the ward office I got sly looks and sealed lips as a response followed by smirks behind my back when they thought I wasn't looking . They forgot that there were glass doors and fancy moldy show cases acting as rear mirrors...
All of a sudden those brain lazy nose picking good-for-nothing monkeys woke up , broke the privacy rules and spewed my private data like I am nothing but a fucking retarded gimp.
I know for a fact that they do it all the time, but at least they pretended to respect the imposed " rules " and I am sure others in the same situation as I if there are any.
" Weird " I said ." Why now? " said my building janitor and the vegetable shop old geezer and others I showed the letter to. KIMUCHI WARUI !! " Gives me the willies" others said.
Wada my case worker, a fancy name for governmental spy and snitch . She , I got to admit , does all the snitching with some panache , unlikely the bitch I kicked out and had a full scale war for a full year ( BUT that will be another story ) she,Wada, confessed she never heard of such a move nor that my private data was so freely thrown to the wolves AND without her knowing it . After all she is my case worker right . my representative as well as 70 other semi-helpless , half dead Health and Welfare ready to pluck turkeys . I take WADA's remarks with a pinch of salt . Wait , a first full of salt will be better . She is, after all, paid by the Health and Welfare Jackals to keep me under watch with her monthly useless visits .
Nobody around me EVER heard of such a rouse . Is it only the Gaijin that are handicapped or have physical disabilities ? Might be . None of the able bodied but mentally sick or retarded Gaijin I know didn't receive the same FUCK YOU letter .

I decided to phone the BoSSaika asses and pop the same questions all over and by asking too that if I disagreed with their' take it or leave it GIMP ' extortive blackmail will I be selected to fence by myself in case of fire or the BIG Quake came ? Would my infamous are fire station simple let me croak while they go around screwing their Chink , Korean and Philippine whores, keep on playing Pachinko or even gambling with the Bakuto Yakuza ever present in my ward ?
On the phone the BoSSaika KUSSOU AMA. The old TWAT told me it wasn't her idea . " Is
she hearing me right? Can she assume that I am not happy with my privacy being breached ? Is she right in ASSUMING that I WANT my name and data erased from the BoSSaika manual ? Am I not agreeing and unhappy with it all ?"
I simply replied her in Kansai Yakuza style dialect ; ARE YOU THREATENING ME you FUCKING OLD COCK SUCKING TART ( SHOMBEM GEISHA , piss drinking geisha )???
Use that syphilis infested tiny brain of yours old tart . Do you think I am calling asking for a GOOD explanation just to listen to your raspy cock sucking voice ??
The pox on you , the BoSSaika aSShole-in-chief Tanaka , the ward office KUCHO and all of you lazy bums in general . I CURSE YOU ALL and you will remember this call sooner or later .
And hang up.

Almost three weeks later , a magnitude 10.0 Quake HIT TOHOKU / KANTO areas. Almost souls are dead or feared dead, Many swiped away by a big Tsunami . Thousands were left homeless, People died from abandon in an hospital in Ohkuma Fukushima within a 5 kilometer perimeter from the crappy faulty nuclear plants , abandoned dead or dying by hospital staff .
Food, fish , water, vegetables, milk ARE contaminated while the Japanese Government in tandem with the TEPCO assholes keep on lying regularly to the public. ALL IS WELL the clowns including big KAHN the human trash Khan keeps on saying.
JUST now it was on the news that the so-called HYPER fire brigade had evacuated the nuclear reactors area FAST since black smoke was seen billowing from the trash damaged plant , when just a couple of hours ago the same TANUKI ex-lawyer and puppet " Shorty " EDANO assured us all that things were under control. Not to worry about thing. Keep calm and go about slaving , fornicating and worrying like you often do .
死人に口なし The dead don't talk ! Is what we all gotta read between the lines if indeed it turns out the Jap government is lying thru it's teeth with the media in tow.
Obama HuSSein Bin Laden is telling his devastating hordes of rednecks Armed Forces to be ready to escape , while the French , the only ray of light in this fucking MAIHEM ran back to their perfumed brothels and dog pooh infested Nigger swiped streets .
Stay there . As in FOREVER . We , and the Japanese people don't need you and your shitty escargots either .
Hope we all alive to boycott Frog products and hunt down these yellow bellied maggots as they crawl back on their bellies like they usually do .
I will go around begging , bribing and stealing airport embarkation lists and publish them in this blog for all to see. Same for my Embassy lying creeps... SHAME on you all .

NOT a whisper from neither the piss drinking tart I had my love talk with , no reply to my fax, nor even a " ARE YOU ALRIGHT ?" from my case worker WADA , BO-SS-AIKA, CHONAIKAICHO , near by KOBAN , Embassy. NOTHING !!!
From now on THOSE SEWER RATS will hear from me regularly . I will expose whatever scams they have been doing for as long as I have been here and that goes for the Kock-SS-aika buzzards too .
Regular blogging with as many pictures or Utube short films will be uploaded as I become the more pissed and stressed with TEPCO's daily threats to induce power cuts to our are and NEVER doing it .
JUST DO IT !!! You FUCKING clowns . OR SHUT THE FUCK UP . YOU and the AC blood sucking leeches popping out every 7 minutes on TV driving us all mad with their KoKoRo crappy adverts .
JUST - FUCKING - DO - IT ! And pay the CONSEQUENCES when your time comes . AND come it will .


* Bellow the two documents I wrote about it seems ages ago :

Dcument #1 : BOSSAIKA BALCKMAIL (脅し) LETTER in Japanese:

Faxed reply to the BoSSaika despots :
" 不安です !!!

February 24, 2011 12:28:26 PM GMT+09:00

今までそんな態度だったのに、急にデータをだせといわれても、弱者の私の情報が安易に流出すると、それこそ物騒なことに成り兼ねないではないか。私がお世話になっているケアマネに名簿のことを聞いてみたら、知らないという。私はとまどったので、区役所の人に 安易にデータをだすのは怖いというと、「お客さんがいやならださなくていい」と簡単に即答された。名簿にデータをのせないと、災害時に救出されなくてもしかたがない、といわれたかのようで 不安になる。お客さんという言い方も違和感を感じる。
名簿対象者に福祉サービスを利用する人が多いなら、少なくともケアマネなどに 名簿をつくることを知らせるべきではないか? 区役所に行ったりお知らせに簡単にアクセスできない人にとって、日頃接するケアマネなどが、区役所や社会との貴重な窓口になっているのが実情なのだ。今回の防災対策は、区の福祉部と連携がとれてないということが明らかになったので、名簿にのっていないと、助けが来ないのだなあと 不安がますますつのる。

F. Antonio Ferreira より
 アントニオ フェレイラ "

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Post-quake obituary (訃報) to a drinking buddy.

I used to have a friend.
We drunk long nights away , sang at the Champions 500 yen one coin stand bar till day break. We used to meet at least once a week sometimes even more .
From good old noisy nights outside Shinjuku's Kirin City , to the Dubliner's nearby .
We discussed from pussy to serious maters . We mourned a good Fijian lady full of life and passion death due to cancer. We observed the Pub's counter fauna of rascals , horny fat gouty Gaijin, Nigerian scamming rats, violent drunken with violent streaks towards weaker or quieter people like Mad Jock the Scott . We puffed on cigars from mean crappy ones to Cohibas. We just stood there and drunk till we got fed up at the expensive booze , Suzuki the TWAT's drunken horny crap and Jeremy the cadaverous lush that had one too many. We teased the Cricket maniac Aussie bartender ( he also disappeared long before the quake without as much as a whisper ) and left the joint vowing NEVER to return, but breaking our vows as regularly and as often . The Frog Philipe guzzling away on almost straight gin tonic and trying to scam punters with his acceptable bullshit . Rain , snow, Summer muggy heat nights, typhoon season winds , would never stop us from meeting there at the same place and go thru the same drunken routine ... Sometimes we went to a nearby tachinomiya joint or to Piss Alley by the JR railway tracks and got a belly full on cheap sleazy food and equally cheaper booze . Tori-en comes to mind .
Other times but rarely we met at What the Dickens and listen to low level gaijin bands and just chilled out . Went as far as that pub in Ueno , the Celt where Andy a drug addict and alcoholic met his needs selling booze he often never paid the liquor suppliers till the suppliers got fed up with his bullshit and called the Yakuza Debt collectors . Andy being the sleazy coward he is would somehow cough up the money , not all of it , for he needed a fix , but just enough for the Yakkie to leave . The Celt too was where another SCUMBAG mentioned in this blog and my Website, coke head , liar, pimp, low life Mounty " worked " for a short time till he convinced a not too bright Hotlips to marry him, only to dump the bitch just as soon as he wasted her money and more . Nice rat Mounty is ... Takes one to know one and no wonder Andy sort of took Mounty under his stinking wing .
Yes. I had a friend .
He visited me when I was just out of ICU after had had my limb chopped off . He soon found far away pastures in the Philippines . Fresher and cheaper Poontang ,Booze, Faggs , Eccentric expats either on the Lam or just staying for the same reason us my friend's and found out that he could do the job he did here using his lap top .
" I'll be in and out often . Let's meet for coffee and food " said he . And for a short while he would indeed returned to Edo and found time to chat away with me . He even sent me pictures of that faraway paradise according to him .
I HAD a friend.
BUT , like many a " friend" I had before I chopped my limb off and after the quake , the friend hasn't even bothered to ask if I was alright . An email would be good enough .
Nearly 2 decades of friendship , or so I would call that , and my " friend " never bothered with a simple question many asked me. EVEN my enemies did ask after the big shaker on March 11th at 2:46 PM hit Kantoh : Are you alright ?
NAHH . Not one crocodile tear shed from my dear friend .
In the end , I started to worry that he might have kicked the bucket ... Waited for that email or phone call for 12 days and even before the shaker .
Like rescue squads know only too well , it is impossible and a miracle to find anybody alive after all this time .
No such a thing as miracles . Thus now I am writing this long obituary to my old British and buddy : PETER RICHES.
I wish I knew how to recite the Mourners Kaddish since my friend was of the Jewish faith .

FAREWELL, AU REVOIR, ADEUS etc ... Old friend.


Monday, 21 March 2011

The State of the Nation address; a personal philosophy

Everything's FUCKED !!!

The weather's f**ked, the people are f**ked, the cops are f**ked and the earth is f**ked. Food is contaminated; f**ked. Water is polluted; f**ked. The infrastructure is well f**ked and the power plant is f**ked beyond repair. The only thing that's f**ked and should be f**ked are the whores in Ikebukuro.

FUCK it.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Money filching NHK director Kurazaki in cahoots with Yakuza.

KURACHAN the sleaze. Cheating , lying and thieving NHK Director.


An insight of NHK and the basics :

I worked in the early 90's with Kurazaki Eiki aka KURACHAN. A director mainly for NHK Osaka on programs like " Anata no Machi no Gaijin ( your city Gaijin ) at first then as the program became popular due to my underworld and unique local connections , Kurachan and I were sent to Tokyo to work on a then never ending , so it seemed, NTT's doctored used telephone Cards racket manned and sold mainly by "unemployed" Iranians under the auspices of local Yakuza and Okachimachi, Tokyo NTT turncoat big wit that furnished, at least in my case, the Iranian gangs with the necessary ROM cards , I think they were called those days, crucial to recharge used , doctored NTT telephone cards collected by the homeless in main train stations and sold to brokers for 10 yen a piece . The brokers in turn sold them to Iranian Cappos for 25 yen and the Iranians in Ueno and Yoyogi Parks mainly, sold them to Dekassegi foreign workers were enable them to make long distance calls to Peru , Brazil , Venezuela , Nigeria or anywhere they wanted in Japan and abroad for 100 yen a piece. 1990 till as late as 1995 saw a free for all sort of uncontrolled mayhem of these cards black market all over Japan.
In the end, many Japanese became the main clientele since the J cops stopped mostly foreigners that looked hungry and ragged , but feared Iranian gangs that were known to carry long knives on their backs ( true or not, I never saw one ) and wouldn't hesitate to use those shivs when trapped. Unless the cops came out in force , mostly when the television was standing by , same for the so called Guardian Angels that went around in packs of ten or more , that often surrounded a couple of Iranians on Center Street Shibuya and " confiscated" the cards in bundles , An illegal move since none of those cowboys were Ministry of Justice employees. But the Iranians at first didn't know their rights either . a few months later they DID learn about that simple rule of engagement courtesy of Yakuza and their shyster lawyers counseling. Only of course IF these red beret clowns were in big groups , the cops were near by AND mainly Television cameras were focused on them were they agressive enough to go thru with their charade.
Thus , young people and suited business men alike , became the main source of income of the new style " KAMPITER Cards " or computer cards , the alias for the new fiasco grey phones NTT installed in central trouble spots of Tokyo . NTT were in denial that they had rotten apples amongst their stop echelon . Thus it lost BILLIONS more trying to staunch the profitable racket the cards brought the yakuza and high ranked Iranian Cappos, their mentors and puppeteers .
Most of the DEKASSEGI overstaying foreign workers were enclosed in sweatshops, Slavery factories organized by Yakuza brokers , their Customs pals and big wit companies like Hitachi under contract companies , were situated in rural areas of Saitama , still are , Gumma, idem, etc ... Where green phones were available galore .
Now the same Hitachi and bigs corporation found a way around the illegal labour trade : They get local brokers in China rural areas and other countries to scout and engage them as KENSHUIN or trainees.
Same sweatshop conditions . Same salvery , BUT this time with the open blessings of of the MoJ and their YO-KUSSOU Japan bullshit programs, introduced by Gutless wizard of Oz lion like mane dumb fart Koizumi ex-Prime minister of Japan .
It got to the point that poor hungry and disrespectful Chink KENSHOIN go out in pack and bycicles and raid egg plant and other veggies field in nearby villages .
The local , since some of them has somebody related to them working for ( inspire the next) Hitachi . Some told my friend , that at least the Pakkis, Burmese or Nepalese were polite to the locals and didn't raid NOR stole their field of the vegetables . They also said before wore the Nihon Saru that raided their crops . Now the Chinks. LOL !!

NTT never took care of their inner corrupt employed that for some reason as simple as being at the mercy of loan sharks , gambling debts , or whatever made them prey to the yakuza . Thus the new KAMPITER cards never stopped flowing in since the NTT douche bags still sold the newer ROMs to their regular tormentors or pals the Yakuza .
The KAMPITAR Cards even were more expensive than the analog ones, 2000 yen for a bunch of 1o while the older version and still in use in the countryside by the overstaying slaves still sold for half price .
KURACHAN somehow convinced NHK headquarters that HE could infiltrate these gangs and feed enough stuff to able popular program Close up Gendai series with prime time data .
All he needed was a guy he had " under " his wing called Antonio Tsudome and a tough cameraman called Ben. An thus we were sent to Tokyo , stayed first at a sleazy hotel in Komagome . I rode my Gold Wing with Nara plates , Kurachan and Ben with occasional baby assed future DESHI or disciples joined the fray inside the ROKE bus .
Under my information and an old Iranian friend of mine , not a thug but a hard working one , although in the end he were overstaying his visa. Ali Reza and me prowled Shin Okubo's night streets , those days full of South American whores and their Iranian pimps. Real dangerous volatile streets and alleys in search of info . For that I invented and designed a tinny camera with VERY expensive pinpoint lenses inside a shoulder bag that now and then had to be replaced as not to rise suspicions from targets . Being somehow connected to the local yakuza thru other yakuza in Kansai helped tremendously . And since they knew that I wasn't snitching to the cops on them nor was interested in their pimping racket , but after bigger and distant fish to snare, somehow news flowed in . KURACHAN because of his geeky and sweaty attire had to stay away from my field of operation coming near by Alta Shinjuku to furnish me with batteries and take the used tapes away for viewing at NHK's editing room with Ben .
First program was mainly on the Iranian way of living the why so many Iranians suddenly flowed into the Japanese archipelago after the Iran Iraqi Ten year long war. About the Dorobou ichiba ( thieves market ) in Yoyogi Park on weekends where hundreds of hard working overstaying Iranians came to get a hair cut, eat their country's food, buy old dog eared magazines and copies of videos in Farci their language, had they hard earned money smuggled to their relatives back home by ruthless Iranian embassy and persian carpet deallers. Many couldn't even read or write , thus they took high risk of being caught by the ever present Immigration buzzards that were rapacious when their bosses at the Minstry of Justice told them to meet the yearly quota of deportations, to have letter writen and sent to their folks in the old country . It was a DOROBOU ICHIBA in a small scale . Mostly was a way to get news from home , buy return tickets from scumbag iranians in cahoots with and Iranian Embassy exploiter called BASHARDUST and an ex- SAVAK big wit in Bakurocho M.
A snitch for the Japanese police while making millions smuggling Pistachio nuts while inside these delicacies was Heroin. He also smuggled heroin impregnated persian carpets , all under the wing of Bashardust and the cops that turned a blind eye at their prime snitch . That guy although had a reward on his head by the new regime he managed to get Japanese citizenship, name et all . Had a couple of permanent body guards and a hotline with the Kohan security cops too . He also had his dirty gnarled claws in every pie , from NTT cards , Gold black market , Importing used semi stollen cars , bikes and house goods to Russian sailors that in turn sold them in Vladivostok for an enormous price , with another scumbag that directed a travel agency nearby Gotanda station...That travel agency guy was the one that visited Immigration offices hunting for poor hard working home sick wreks to sell them and fill up Volunteer deportation papers for a fee of course . You name it , those Iranian douche bags had it all ... I still got a video of him M bullshitting Kurachan in his persian carpet covered " office ".
A happy free for all ...

The first program was a success . We went back to Osaka to do a short documentary on the Iranian drug pushers in the Minami , Naniwa district. Good ratings as well . another program was on an Afghani midget like guy with handle bar like long mustache that stole persian and Turkish carpets by the truck load and had two big Body guards with him. The program showed that it was an impossible task to her the Turkish trader in Istanbul.
It turned out he was on the not to secret wanted list by the Japanese police and Interpol as well for being the prime suspect in the murder of some Tsukuba University professor that translated Salmon Rushdie's Satanic Verses into Japanese.
When I heard that , I decided it wasn't worth the risk .
Hunting a carpet thief was one thing , but a well connected killer and a religious related one I told the people concerned , thanks but no thanks. Besides, they knew all along who the midget was and how dangerous he might be NEVER told me about it till I got the story for other sources . The Kohan were using me for live bait. FUCK THEM .
Of course due to my connections here and there things went smoothly for Kurachan , Okazaki his chief and NHK in general. And I was having my type of adrenalin induced shots.
As long as KURACHAN didn't get too sleazy and greedy or somebody else didn't try to bust my balls and sacrifice me as bait, I was truly enjoying myself.
We did a documentary on Thai whores in Minami . How the poor twats used uppers like Upjohn brand to forget the pain and stress they were under , although their pimp and master from Hokkaido was a fair type of PAPA and never beat them up .
It went well . Then a short stint in the Nara Prefecture area of Tsutsui and Tenri where Peruvians were being threatened and exploited by Shinning Path members using their relatives and wives as hostages to extort money regularly from these hard working folks. I ended up in Lima Peru checking out fake birth certificates of Nikkei of Japanese descendants. That is why most of the people blackmailed by the Sendero Luminoso goons couldn't snitch to any cop either here in Japan nor in Peru since most of them bought fake birth certificates and were risking jail term or being killed by the Sendero.
Kurachan or NHK being the prima donnas they pretended to be would take the case but TBS did . I disclosed most of the scumbags here , put them on TV. Many managed to run away back to Peru where Fujimori El Chino was on a rampage trying to catch and terminate them once and for all .
The program had very good rates and that pissed Kurachan off since he was the one that opposed to go for it . Too damn scared to go to peru and live on the streets around the main Ayuntamaento or City Hall where most of the racket took place . This times I saw a few guns and knives for good measure , but I had my trump cards up my sleeves too .
Then by March we got ready for the second wave dedicated to the Iranian , NTT sham .
This time were had more members , I drove my Pajero Jaos truck and we came to stay in a Idabashi Weekly mansion joint .
I remember it was the day before the marriage between that clown the smirking something-no-mia and the foreign office twat that had a lot of tales of orgies during her Hawaiian days and her tiny stupid Terrier Chocolat. LOL !!
Cops stopped my Pajero just off Nagata-cho on our way to meet a snitch and almost took the truck apart for the simple reason it had Nara number plates, four high power roof lights a kanguru JOAS bumper and I must have looked like a nightmare with my grey urban fatigues and a bunch of cuckoo's nest like rascal siting in the jalopy . Besides were were approaching the Metropolitan police headquarters .
Geeky Kurachan kept on yapping we were NHK finest , me and the other two kept on telling him to shut the fuck up and let the boyz in uniform and helmets have their day with the fucking truck and camera equipment .
30 minutes later satisfied we weren't a team of armed terrorist on our way to bnag the future princess and here doggie chocolat , they told us to pack and go . I and BEN took about and hour on purpose packing everything tight ans safe while giving the boyz a Zamamiro ( fuck you) smirk while I remember Kurachan was in tears, bitting his nails and wiping his already milky white glasses between his wet oily finger and thumb , a sign he was frightened shitless of what I would do . He was right . I started to sing The Communist anthem and keep on asking technical question on the cops weapons scaring them as well . Gave them a baby about to cry face and demanded to try their riot helmet there and then and sat on the asphalt imitating a brat having a fit . A few minutes later stood up and did my Yoshimoto Kogyo trick ; SAH KONOGURAI NI SHITOKOU. AHHHH , SUKKIRI SHITA . Literally ; Ahh , I guess it's time to go. Damn it THAT felt good. Ben nearly shat himself laughing , I shouted ABAYOOOO while hitting the pedal and leaving burn marks on the asphalt.
That was the talk in NHK for ages to come . Wanna bet the damn cops thing twice before they stop another gaijin ? But then again , no other Gaijin looks like me do they ??
Hard work and a lot of pussy footing followed by childish impossible demands by Kurachan that wanted MORE than it was possible without me to risk my snitch network , the law and in the end probably end up with one of them long shivs up my arse by the Saigo Takamori Statue on a dark night .
NO fucking way I told Kurachan while he was entrenched and bored in a nearby fourth floor first class view coffee shop .
He went bananas . Me and Ben decided to give him the camera bag and told him to haul his faggot arse and " do it your fucking self you slime ball" .
The iranian snitch told me that that day I wasn't welcome because they had to clear some shit between themselves , meaning some guy was gonna end up dead and floating on the Arakawa river . We wanted a much needed day off to clear the cobwebs , laundry and get stone drunk on cheap food and booze since out director-in-chief Kurachan although he had a good NITTO , daily expenses rate paid by NHK Admin under the control of a countability genius but twisted guy named TACHIBANA , was saving it for himself, FILCHING money unashamedly and beer , rice coupons plus taxi free notes we were supposed to bribe building janitors with since my favorite gimmick was to climb on roof tops and film the targeted perimeter and scouting it often for trouble makers or weird movements out of ordinary .
Later on I will tell why KURACHAN was " Saving " the coupons and how he used them .
Kurachan had no choice but haul his babyt arse and take the bag since he told us that our job was easy while the poor sod was sitting on his arse all day counting the daily money intake and plotting with Tachibana how to feed us even cheaper dinners .
We were finally able to enjoy a much needed day off or so we thought when in less than ten minutes a white faced , sweating rivers Kurachan barged in and nearly pissing in his pants told us how the Iranians surrounded him when he was asking stupid questions and pointing the bag at them while doing so . my snitch had so save him , even if Kurachan didn't know him and asked him " What are you doing with Antonio's camera bag ?" ' I though I was gonna die when many of them " killers " surrounded me and started to touch my arse and going for my pockets too' he said between snoot and tears .
" You can have the day off " He told us after he cooled down and on our way to the Weekly Mansion . I was amused but the normally quiet Ben was boiling with rage and told Kurachan to open his shoulder bag . Not my camera bag . Kurachan did so and Ben took a wad of beer, rice coupons that geek hauled around . BEN told him that he was gonna hock them coupons and he and the crew would have fun in town . .
Kurachan protested , even tried to pull rank, but Ben told him to shut the fuck up or he would order the bus around and dump his arse from the moving transporter right in front of the Iranian pack and let him become their bum boy .
Kurachan licked his stingy paws and tearfully gave us his blessings . Ben took the coupons to a pawn shop early evening after we all had some rest and got 60.000 in cash . We were in for a much needed night out in Ikebukuro .

That's it for now .Part two coming soon ...

Kurachan , he filched of millions using my name to open and account under the blessings of NHK's pencil pusher Tachibana and old speculator, and left wing , half assed convicted bomber and terrorist arrested in Canada scumbag and enemy Ohmura Toshio and now going GaGa elder brother and ex CEO of Yahata shoji Ohmura Mikio aka Ohmura Kon for his uncanny look alikeness to the comedian .
Ohmura Kon si in and out of detention and on trial for a variety of fraudlent scams.
Wife has left him buck naked without a cent . She also made sure that Hanaoka , Kon's concubine from Matsuyama and formerly a real estate company not too bright broad lost everything too to her .
Scary and true the saying about betrayed women ... Ohmura's wife was a Kyoto Courtesan and nobody escapes a woman with that power and guts cold plain revenge . no wonder Ohmura Kon , once so cunning and intelligent is now a wreck and going senile.
Ohmura Kon used to be cool with me . Great tipper and I remember very well that morning morning 20 odd years ago at Matsuyama's famous Spa Dogu Onsen . When he came out from the room next to the living room 20 or so of us were waiting , all pink and rosy with Hanaoka showing her milky tits to us all under her japanese sleeping kimono .
I thought that morning, while eating with all the thugs and rascals including the now dead, may he rest in HELL , Yoshizaki the goon that wanted to kill me , and thinking ' Great arse ' and how I wouldn't mind to bang her once instead of the Thai whore I had had the night before courtesy of the local Yakkie family.

As shit started to happen , banking laws started to get strict and his NHK pal Tachibana ratted on his scam, the yakuza started to bitch for their money share and somebody snitched on Kurachan's plot to use my name to open an account in Osaka's now extinct Dai-Ichi Kangyo Ginko , Umeda Branch. Kurachan made a fatal error and so did his low life Yakkie new " friends ". NHK was after his balls to return filched money and he panicked and sang his song to SHUKKAN GENDAI , the Marco Polo long gone Magazine publisher as sleazy as Kurachan .

Let's see if I can tell the rest of the story soon ...

The naked truth. Coming soon.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

SUMO means YAOCHO and a lot more ...


SUMO Yaocho . Spring Basho ( tournament ) CANCELLED ! First time since 1945 .
!! WOW !!
About time something serious happens in the Sumo world. JSA has been ignoring EVERY possible society rule and law till now .

What's Yaocho in English ???
Grease money? Sleaze money ? Bribe? Graft ?
Ahh! BOUT-FIXING . Same as the above, in the end money talks folks .

Money , money , money, Ahh MONEY ...


SUMO in the end, is ALL about taking it in the ARSE :

No mater what the name implies YAOCHO isn't ILLEGAL . Just NAUGHTY but necessary for them poor FAT slobs to survive . Till they go over the Jyuryo position they gotta assume the position and wipe other fatter and bigger slobs ARSES , carry their f$cking arse cushions , kiss everybody's arses , sadistic stable master's and his relatives included, and the Yakuza that are hovering around collecting ILLEGAL gambling bets and furnishing drugs ARSES !!!
Till poor fat slob bastards get their very first salary ( 1.200.000 yen ) it's all about taking it in the arse , kissing arse and getting arse f$cked.

SUMO - YAOCHO -八百長= TAKING IT IN THE ARSE and so on ...

Ever since SUMO exists YAOCHO goes with it. Like dimples on their fat ARSES .

Now wait a F$CKING minute : J -Cops and J-Prosecutor(s) RATTED on who the main comedians were in this semi-tragic comedy and the Japan Sumo Association ( JSA ) used them as sacrificial lambs to cover their own bribe taking AMAKUDARI money weighting way down in JSA deep pockets .
I wonder WHOM and WHAT are they trying to hide ???
YAOCHO MAIL 八百長メール. A new word that will painfully stay for a long time to come like KAWAIIGARI did ( literally "cuddling " any youngWrestler that doesn't want to take it in the ARSE, TO DEATH. Like the Inuyama Alcoholic Stablemaster and his ARSE kissing dogs massacred a poor schmuck with empty beer bottles beatings a few years back ) Bottles were empty because the old alcoholic geezer and his dogs needed the booze to get courage to do it. Brave warriors ; four or more against a poor lone kid .
Nothing new there . A few "mysterious and accidental " deaths have been " happening " for decades .
Only this time the parents of the young gutsy wrestler wouldn't let it slide under like many cowardly ones did before.
Drunken stable master was thrown to the MoJ hyenas with his semi-retarded dogs and actually given suspended sentences no matter how much the old drunken fart and the JSA tried to force mouth clamping money in front of the boys parents face . In vain .
Literally getting away with murder . Well, NOT this time buster .
Probably opened a Chanko slop eatery in a hicksville crappy prefecture ( like Mie-pref ) with the money given by their pals at the AMAKUDARI blood sucking JSA for keeping his trap shut while cops were squeezing his alcoholic balls for more Deja vu snitching .
Times differ from EDO Period I suppose .
No more KAWAIIGARI allowed . About f$&king time too although , like Yaocho , Kawaiigari is a " necessary Evil ", according to a gaijin sumo wrestler from East Europe. Bet Yoghurt has turned his brains into mash . Oooops .
No more taking drugs , gambling , beating up normal citizens on a binge induced rampage like one of my favorite rascals the Mongol Yokozuna Asahishoryu did a few times too many . Akebono did it in Osaka too . I guess Alcatraz the yakuza money laundering Roppongi crappy joint, often experienced what them big bullies could do on a good night .
No more getting away with murder ( wanna bet ? ).
Times change and the Sumo World better give them youngsters some respect , meaning, pocket money enough to stop them from being too YAOCHO motivated . They are young and need to have some fun arse kissing aside .
The Gaijin sumo wrestlers broke a few taboos too along with heads . Russian wrestlers are talking their heads off . So are other gaijin wrestlers;
" So what , everybody does it what's the big deal ?"
IF no YAOCHO is allowed or the inspiring young Sumo wrestler has a Sugar mommy or Daddy ( more arse f$cking here ) the other Sumo stable pals will KAWAIIGARI the poor schmuck . The gaijin wrestlers were taught that YAOCHO is a part of the Sumo rules ...
I guess puffing on Hashish / Mary Jane and gambling too ARE part of Sumo rules .
Occupational hazards like type 2 diabetes and hypertension as well . The grub rich in protein and unhealthy goo in tow with booze, late night binges and whoring does it .

Fuji TV 8 o'clock morning Wide show cheap wigged commentator , diabetic and greedy commentator OGURA typical smart comment today was : "I feel sorry for the foreign travelers ( Americans ) that came for watching the Nagoya Sumo Basho ."
Cheap comment like the equally moldy cheap beaver on his head .
His stammering underling Kasai ( he at least has implanted hair not the cheap beaver stingy Ogura wears. That guy is DIRT rich ,LOL ) too had equally stupid comments although his Japanese can be as incomprehensible as the Gaijin hyena Dave Specter's (?) the Chicago AMAKUDARI " producer " NIHONGO is. Stupid cheap jokes included.

I still wonder how much he got for the mysterious fire that burned his beat up jalopy to a cinder from the insurance company . Wonder what's called in his case? YAOCHO perhaps or AMAKUDARI ?

Well , like KAROSHI , I guess KAWAIIGARI and YAOCHO MAIL will become internationally known words

WHAT'S extremely illegal is the fact that the cops/ prosecutor office = MoJ DISCLOSED the mobile / cell phone text messages where the chosen escape goats were planning next day's bout result a year ago . Clearly one of them , probably needed 700.000 yen urgently to cover his gambling debts or the Yakuza Bakuto faction would either f$ck his fat arse or like the proverbial YUKIDARUMA ( snowman ) a term used by Yakki loan sharks , would go on squeezing his arse with high interest rates (200% if lucky ). He wears nice expensive brand shades .

Yep , for the next couple of months , the public ears are going to get sore with the dirty YAOCHO MAIL being thrown at the public day in and day out . Suggest everybody get updated with their movie rentals or Apple TV ( Ape TV like I call it ) . J TV sucks BIG.
Cowardly inspiring and high ranking SUMO wrestlers and Ex-Wrestlers are gonna sing and snitch on their own stable masters like it happened to KASUGANISHIKI stable master seen in pic taken directly from my TV...
Indeed . Times have changed and sh$t happens a lot faster than usual these days. Sc$mbags per se aren't that incognito anymore .
STILL , the J cops and MoJ buzards that disclosed the YAOCHO mail to the public should look very closely at their own ugly mugs in the mirror and do a lot of thinking .
Next it just might be ( I sincerely hope ) their turn too .
Remember , YAOCHO is Naughty . But disclosing data from private cell phone text , copied from criminal investigation files IS HIGHLY ILLEGAL and them MoJ snitches SHOULD be DISCLOSED and prosecuted by the REAL LAW as well for a change .

In the end , those that earn their bread honestly should not let these MoJ buzzards go lightly .
Times did indeed change ...
Eat, don't gobble, less fattening CHANKO and your brains will flow easier and not as twisted .


Friday, 14 January 2011

Got the idea by now??

You get the idea why I am extra Grumpy? Can you take the constant pain I am going thru often without taking pain killers or Alcohol? Do you understand when I say " life's Short "?

It's not infectious to others but that's diabetes . IF I make it for ten years I will be invincible. That is why I made my ten year vow and live a Spartan or almost Spartan life. The trinity : no booze, no smoking, no rich food binges, keeps me alive to some extent.

There are other diabetes related Dark Shadows in my body lurking hidden. I don't have to confess them all to you do I. Not even Wifey knows them. I hide them using my Devil's face instead of picker face. The point is the BRAIN. I keep it more in less in shape by debt collecting, exterminating scum AND trying to win over my fear of computers. Those things keep me from contemplating the easiest way out. Self termination. Got the idea by now??